
The bells of our churches are rung each Sunday morning, with the ten bells at St Mary's and the six bells at St Anne's calling people to worship.

The eight old steel bells of St Mary's were replaced in the summer of 2012 with a fine ring of ten bells which were rung for the first time in October 2012. This followed a successful fund-raising project and a large donation from the PCC. 

The bells at St Anne's were augmented to a ringing peal of six bells from the original chime of four bells to celebrate the millenium.

Our bellringers practise at St Marys, (which is a ground floor ring) on Mondays from 7:30 - 9:00pm and at St Anne's (an upstairs ring) on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm.  The ringers welcome visting ringers, returning ringers and new learners: please contact Trish Everett via the Church Office.

The bells at St Mary's are also rung on Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00pm by the Brumdingers, a group of children and young people from Year 5 upwards who learn under the guidance of Simon Linford, President of the Central Council of Church Bellringers. They made their first appearance for a church service at the 2017 Christingle and now ring alongside the regular band once a month. 

Congratulations to George!

Congratulations to George who has successfully passed Level 1 of his bell ringing course with the Association of Ringing Teachers, meaning that he can now ring without assistance. He is one of the youngest people in the UK ever to do so, and he scored 15/16 compared to the pass mark of 11/16.

George rings alongside other ringers at St. Mary's Church, Moseley. Anyone interested in learning can contact Simon Linford at