
Hospitality is an important part of our ministry here in Moseley.

Refreshments served after services  – we enjoy refreshments after the 10.00am and 11.00am services. This is a great opportunity to share in fellowship and meet new people.

Coffee and Company  – church is open every Saturday from 10.30am -12.00pm as a registered Place of Welcome. Hot drinks and toast are available and everyone is made to feel very welcome.

Place of Welcome  - church is open on the third Thursday and on every  Friday from 10.00 am - 12 noon:  a place for those who would like to come in, to look around or to have the opportunity for some quiet space, or some company. Hot drinks and refreshments are provided. 

Parish Breakfast – the first Sunday of the month after the 8.00am service. Again, this is open to everyone. Breakfast is served in the West Room.

Benefice Lunches – 4 Sundays a year in St Anne’s hall. A minimum donation of £5 is requested for a freshy cooked meal and a chance to share fellowship. Any profits from the lunches go to our Parish charities.

Saturday Coffee Concerts – every 2 months at 11.00 in St Mary’s church.  A variety of music is offered and cake and hot drinks are served before the concert.

Pancake Party – an annual get together for pancakes, games and fun for everyone.

Christmas Day Together – a very special annual event taking place on Christmas Day. This offers a Christmas Lunch, fun and fellowship for anyone in the community who would be on their own on Christmas Day. Places can be booked by contacting the Church Office.

Newcomers Lunches - we hope to host lunches for everyone who is new to the congregation twice a year.

For further information or to find out how you could volunteer for any of these events please contact the Church Office.

   Hospitality events