Children and Youth
Children's Worship in Church
The link to register for our Children's Groups is here.
When do the Children’s Groups take place? Children’s worship takes place in accordance with the table below during term-time only. Children leave the service after the Collect and return during the Lord's Prayer to rejoin the service for communion.
Sunday of the Month | St Mary’s Church | St Anne’s Church |
1st | 10am Eucharist with children’s groups | 11am Eucharist with children’s groups |
2nd | 10am Eucharist with children’s groups | 11am Eucharist with no children’s groups |
3rd | 10am Eucharist with children’s groups | 11am Eucharist with children’s groups |
4th | 10am Eucharist with no children’s groups | 8.30am Breakfast Church ** 11am Eucharist with no children’s groups |
5th | 10am Eucharist with children’s groups | 11am Eucharist with children’s groups |
** Breakfast Church is different. With a strong emphasis on community, fun and food, it’s a chance to meet people, and engage with God in a fresh and accessible way, with breakfast included. It happens early in the day to accommodate busy families with multiple commitments.
What Children’s Groups do we have and where do they meet?
Young Discoverers – for children aged 0-2. Meet in the West Room, St. Mary’s. All children in this group must be accompanied by an adult.
Explorers – for children aged 3-5. Meet in the Courtyard Room, St. Mary’s. Parents / carers are not required to accompany children in this group.
Voyagers – for children aged 6-7. Meet in the Choir Vestry, St. Mary’s.
Pioneers – for children aged 8-11. Meet in the Warden’s Office, St. Mary’s.
All-Age Group – Meet in the Children’s Room, St. Anne’s.
What happens in the groups? The Young Discoverers and Explorers enjoy songs, age-appropriate prayer, a short story and a craft activity. The Voyagers and Pioneers use a weekly resource called Roots, which includes prayers, stories and activities based on the weekly readings from the Bible. Worship at St Anne’s is similar to St Mary’s with adaptations to accommodate their all-age context.
How does my child join in? All children are welcome to join our groups. If you are here with your child for the first time, please identify yourself to a church member at the Welcome Desk as you enter the church, and we will ensure that you are directed to the right group. All children are registered for safeguarding purposes.
Who leads the groups? All of our group leaders are volunteers from our congregations who are DBS checked and have undertaken Safeguarding Training.
Please click here to read the Code of Conduct for our Children's Groups.
Y@SMAA (Youth at St Mary's and Anne's) is a Youth group for year 6 and above. If you are not currently part of Y@SMAA and would like to join, or would like more information, please contact Rachel Kinning via
Stay & Play
We run a weekly Stay & Play session The Hive. Please visit our Stay & Play page for more details.
Applications for Moseley Church of England Primary School
Applications to Moseley Church of England Primary School require attendance at church once a month for a two-year period prior to the point of application. For a full copy of the School Admission Policy, please refer to the Moseley C of E website.
To ensure that your attendance is logged, parents are required to sign a sheet on the church welcome desk.
JAM Club Twins a Toilet
JAM Club (Jesus And Me), is a weekly club that is run at Moseley C of E Primary by Rachel Kinning. The Year 6 members of JAM Club recently raised enough money to twin a toilet at their school with one in Zambia. They were moved by a lesson on Jesus’ new commandments and the work of Tearfund who help provide sanitation and clean water to communities around the world. Their drive and caring attitude are a wonderful inspiration to us all!