Flower Guild
Floral arrangements enhance our worship at the weekly services at St Mary’s and St Anne’s.
At certain times of year, when we celebrate festivals, special effort is made to fill the church with beautiful flowers. This is particularly the case for Easter and Christmas (because there are no flowers during Lent and Advent), and also for the Harvest festival. The Patronal festival is another special occasion for the flower arrangers.
St Mary’s has a Flower Guild. These volunteers have a rota for the regular arrangements at the Welcome Pedestal and the Nave Altar. Flower arrangements are maintained in the Lady Chapel too.
At festival time, requests are made for additional assistance as there is plenty of work to do. All hands on deck! Not all the jobs are to arrange the flowers. If you think you can help, please let us know.
Another way to contribute to the flowers we see in church is to sponsor an arrangement. Some people do this to remember someone special in their lives.
If you would like to help with flower arrangements in church, or donate money towards our flowers, please contact the St Mary’s Flower Guild or Jan Midgely for St Anne’s via the Church Office.