Here in the Parish, we are very fortunate to have a great relationship with our local Church of England Primary School, Moseley C of E. The information below gives you an idea of some of the ways that we work together:
Godly Play – Godly Play uses symbols, objects and wondering questions with story-telling to encourage children to use their imagination and to deepen their understanding. Godly Play was a new initiative introduced to the Reception class in 2018, and is to be extended to other year groups. Our Associate Vicar and / or Intergenerational Ministry Coordinator run the fortnightly Godly Play sessions.
School Assemblies – whole school assemblies are led by members of the Ministry Team three times per term.
Playgroud Prayers – members of the ministry team and Intergenerational Ministry Coordinator offer tea and coffee in the school playground, with an opportunity to chat and to write down a prayer request.
School Services in Church – each term based around the major festivals of the church calendar, the school attends St. Mary’s Church during the school day for a service led by a school year group. St. Mary’s also hosts the KS2 Nativity Service and the Y6 Leavers Service on an annual basis.
Hymn Practice – our Director of Music also supports hymn practice at school on a Monday morning.
School Governing Body – 7 governing body positions are currently held by members of our congregations.
Applications for Moseley Church of England Primary School
Applications to Moseley Church of England Primary School require attendance at church once a month for a two-year period prior to the point of application. For a full copy of the School Admission Policy, please refer to the Moseley C of E website.
Moseley C of E Prayer Spaces images view
Moseley C of E Prayer Spaces for Values Week - July 2022
As part of Values Week (July 2022) the children at Moseley C of E School created Prayer Spaces.
"We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference"
Rachel Kinning, our Intergenerational Minister, Revd Magdalen and Revd Sara all went into school to work with the different classes to help with ideas for their Prayer Spaces in liaison with Miss Barker. The classes then put these together and displayed them in the Library in school. Each class visited the spaces to have an opportunity to interact with them all. It was a brilliant week which culminated in a celebratory Assembly. Revd Tariro from All Saint's, King's Heath also led an Assembly on Tuesday. The different spaces were as follows:
Reception: Honouring Creation. A tent was created with cuddly animals, books and microscope in it in order to experience God's presence through an exploration of creation.
Year 1: Praying for our Community. Year 1 did this by using a fantastic prayer using all of their fingers and made connecting paper people and coloured them in.
Year 2: Finding God within ourselves. Year 2 used mirrors to look at themselves as being 'uniquely and wonderfully made' and then made jigsaw pieces to symbolise the fact that all of us are different but made in the image of God but connect together to make up a whole 'rainbow' community.
Year 3: Praying for the World. Year 3 explored different parts of the world that they have connections with and made prayer chains to connect themselves and others who live far away.
Year 4: Saying Sorry Year 4 made some wonderful symbolic hearts and used these in a sorry and forgiveness ritual.
Year 5: Finding Peace Within Year 5 explored different techniques such as meditation and especially the idea of walking the labyrinth. They made their own and enjoyed the journey to the centre of the labyrinth and then out again, letting go of thoughts and worries and then breathing out love and peace.
Year 6: Saints & Prophets Year 6 explored some of the ancient stories of saints and prophets and created a sacred path to walk down and thought about the connection between different faiths with different prophets such as Abraham.
Moseley C of E Values Week Models
Moseley C of E Models for Values Week - July 2022
For Values Week 2022 our School looked at different individuals who have made a major contribution to changing the world. Each class made a stunning model to illustrate their particular individual. Below is some information about the models which we are delighted to display in church.
Their strap line had been:
“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference”.
Reception: (HOPE): Waangari Maathai was a Kenyan environmental activist who felt sad about deforestation. She taught women to plant trees. Here we are with our favourite trees in Forest School.
Y1 (COURAGE): Emmanuel Yeboa was born in Ghana with physical disabilities. He had courage and learnt to cycle. He then cycled 400 miles across Ghana.
Y2 (LOVE): El Anatsui is a sculptor from Ghana. He showed the importance of recycling and caring for our planet through his use of recycled materials in his artwork.
Y3 (THANKFULNESS): Malala Yousafazi is an educational campaigner and activist from Pakistan.
Y4 (TRUST): Benazir Bhutto was the first woman of modern times to lead a Muslim country. She was celebrated for her determination and courage.
Y5 (FORGIVENESS): Desmond Tutu found ways for those affected by Apartheid in South Africa to break free from chains and to work towards forgiveness.
Y6 (COMMUNITY): Benjamin Zephaniah is a poet from Birmingham who wrote about his local community. Here are our local community poems.