Interment of Ashes

What is the Garden of Remembrance and where is it?

The Garden of Remembrance is a specific area in St. Mary’s Churchyard where ashes may be buried. The Garden of Remembrance can be found in the area surrounding the war memorial, adjacent to St. Mary’s Row.

Can ashes be scattered in the Garden of Remembrance?

No, under the Churchyard Regulations (2006) the scattering of ashes is not permitted.

What are the ashes buried in?

The ashes may be buried in a wooden casket, or a biodegradable box. The Funeral Director that you use will be able to explain these options to you.

What is the cost for a burial of ashes in 2025?

The cost for the burial of the ashes is £198. An additional charge of £25 will be applied if a Verger is in attendance to assist the Minister. A fee may also be applied for the Gravedigger. These costs are reviewed and a small increase is applied, annually by the Church of England.

What is a memorial stone?

A memorial stone is a small stone tablet which is fixed to the low wall in the Garden of Remembrance to mark the place where the ashes are buried. Whilst most people choose to have a memorial stone, it is not mandatory and the church holds a record of where all burials are situated in the Garden of Remembrance. The cost payable to the church for the installation of a memorial stone is £92, or £37 for an additional inscription on an existing stone. Again, these costs are reviewed and a small increase is applied, annually by the Church of England.

Does the church arrange the memorial stone for us?

No, you need to arrange the memorial stone with a stone mason. The stone mason will obtain permission from St. Mary’s Church for the memorial stone to be installed. We can provide contact details for a local stone mason on request.

How big can the memorial stone be and what words can we have on the stone?

The memorial stone must be made from York stone, and must be 9” x 9” x 2” deep. The name of the deceased, their date of birth and date of death are the only words permitted on the stone.

How do we get the ashes to you?

There are two possibilities for you to consider:

Whichever option you decide on, please do let us know. In all cases, please ensure that you provide us with the Certificate of Cremation. The burial cannot take place without this certificate.

What happens on the day of the burial?

On the day of the burial, the Minister (and Verger if assisting) will meet you in the Garden of Remembrance unless other arrangements have been made in advance. A short service will take place, led by the Minister, during which prayers are said and the ashes are placed into the pre-prepared space in the Garden of Remembrance. The service normally only takes a few minutes, but can be longer if you wish to have additional readings (for example a poem). Once the service has ended, the earth which has been taken from the hole is replaced.

Can I leave flowers or ornamental objects in the Garden of Remembrance?

No, in accordance with churchyard regulations, flowers and ornamental objects are not permitted. However, St. Mary’s Church have a team who look after the planting in the churchyard and Garden of Remembrance, and we aim to ensure attractive planting is in place.